Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Feds Trafficked Guns To Suspected Criminals Under Bush


niphtrique says:
The billionaires abused the government by corrupting it and in this way they stole the money from the working class.
Those who think that they will return it out of their free will, must be, and I will be polite, quite naive.
Ayn Rand and Karl Marx were utopists. Ignoring human nature is the cornersone of Marxism and Libertarism.
To be more precise:
Ayn Rand’s thinking has a great influence on many people in the United States. The popularity of libertarism may stem from the fact that there is no rule of law in the United States because the government itself has gradually turned into a criminal enterprise. To many people in the United States, the government is equal to evil. It is however not correctly understood that this is partly the consequence of Capitalism where rational pursuit of economic gain out of self-interest and being rich is perceived as a virtue. The rational pursuit of economic gain out of self-interest badly affects government as it fosters bribery and corruption.
Like Karl Marx, Ayn Rand was an utopist. Randism and Libertarism suffer from similar deficiencies as Marxism and Communism. Like Communism, Ayn Rand’s ideal of laissez-faire Capitalism, where persuasion alone can organise or coordinate human activity, requires that humans behave in accordance with an idealist vision, and therefore her vision requires a new and improved human. In reality capital accumulates and as a consequence some corporations become large and some people become influential. Therefore laissez-faire Capitalism results in a corporatist society where people are persuaded to follow the only choice they have, which is accepting the corporatist menu of different products to consume.
See: ~


computertodd says:
I have been to the protests personally, and I happen to think it is ABSURD that 33% (1 third) advocate violence. SO NOT TRUE! Some times you disappoint me Alex Jones! Like ALWAYS, there is a very small “fringe” group that may advocate violence, but less than 1% of the 99%. At least tell the truth! Come on already! This is why I pulled my account from Prisonplanet, it is garbage stories like this passed on as “journalism”
Also, you got the demands completely WRONG, and are basically smearing OWS.
their demands include variations of the following:
1-financial regulation
2-financial transparency
3-a corporation is not a person
4-an end to bribery of senators, congressman, and judges
Where have we heard this?
We heard it on the Alex Jones show, among others…………..


TheSheepLookUp says:
Great hit piece by Adam. Fox News and the rest of the mainstream media would be proud. Take the extreme views of one individual and transpose those views on an entire movement. We do not support the use of force by the government to redistribute wealth, we simply oppose the use of government power to concentrate wealth.
And as for 31% of the occupiers supporting violence that is an outright lie. If that were true their would be a lot more violence. So far the only significant violence has been perpurtrated by the police.
This movement as a whole is totally committed to nonviolence.


TheSheepLookUp says:
scenario- contrary to what the Orwellan thinkspeak propaganda machine would have you believe, the American people are still capable of thinking for themselves and rising up to protest injustice. We don’t need the money from any billionaires and we are not their tools. We are not the Tea Party.
We are the people. We are the 99% and we are fed up.


fightthelies says:
Because it’s the real thing. Alex is a shill for the NWO; if you listen to his rants he is telling you what is going to happen brainwashing you to accept it. He shows his true colors hear and may as well be on Fux News with the rest of the Agents of Brainwashing operatives


fightthelies says:
Alex is a used car salesman, he can’t make money from OWS. The telling story is that he tows the Fux News line on OWS, Taxing the rich, etc, He is also anti union, calling unions communist…WHAT?!! unions are the anti-communist. If you want to understanad AJ listen to his grips about Glenn Beck…he is describing himself.


TheSheepLookUp says:
What about the 68% of Americans who approve of the OWS? Want see all those heads cracked as well?

zuuul says:
so when did Adam and Alex start taking paychecks from the Republican party?
notice how they never tried to paint tea party protestors in a bad light like this? Ever wonder why that is? Yeah seriously think about it and your mind won’t go to a fun place, it will go to a place where Alex Jones has completely sold out to the republican party.

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